The Vegeta Saga, also known as the Saiyan Saga or Return of the Saiyans Saga, is the second saga from the Dragon Ball Z series. This saga is the second part of the Saiyan Saga which follows the Raditz Saga, the first part of the Saiyan Saga, and precedes the Namek Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1989 and 1990. It comprises part of US season 1. It was later included in the Funimation Season One Remastered Box Set, which also includes the Raditz Saga and the first 4 episodes of the Namek Saga and on the Funimation Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Volume 1 Set.
The Raditz Saga also called the Saiyan Saga (サイヤ人編, Saiya-jin Hen, lit. "Saiyan Arc"), is the first saga from the Dragon Ball Z series. It follows the Piccolo Jr. Saga and precedes the Vegeta Saga. This saga is the first part of the Saiyan Saga with the rest of said saga being the Vegeta Saga. This saga aired in Japan in 1989. It comprises part of the US season 1. It was later included in the Funimation Season One Remastered Box Set, which also includes the Vegeta Saga and first 4 episodes of the Namek Saga, and on the Funimation Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Volume 1 Set.
Dragon Ball Z Season 1 Vegeta Saga 1 39 Eng Dub